I Xie what you can't

Standing out in a medium-sized city is not that easy being a retailer, but great design can help you make it happen.

Xie 2.0 was delivered in the form of a sleek, chic, and unequalled store that fits perfectly with the urban clientele of the high-end eyewear shop. We designed the store interior and developed creative campaigns - built around a photo series starring Xie's employees, for example - to attract new customers. Additionally, we produced innovative designs to star on tote bags, glasses cases, sale campaigns, a TV commercial and creative direct mailing campaigns.

Team: Daan, Jannie
Partners: Studio Conen, Huup Geurts, Petra Lenssen Photography

Nedinscoplein 7b
5912AP Venlo
The Netherlands
Nedinscoplein 7b
5912AP Venlo
The Netherlands