Curiously conscious brand strategy

FeelgoodShop is one of Germany's largest webshops in nutritional supplements. With its brand new sub-label Pure Ella, they're taking a brand new path. One that Periscoop paved from front to back.

Pure ingredients carefully composed by women, for women: Pure Ella is the newest addition to the world of nutritional supplementation. Through extensive research among more than 1500 women from all over Europe, Periscoop laid the foundation for a new progressive brand that is set to conquer Europe.

As its creative partner, we developed a brand book, style guide and customer experience and marketing guides that form a sound footing for its launch. We're currently working with the Pure Ella team to implement it someplace near you.

Team: Jannie, Minggus, Teun, Tijn
Partners: Exitable, Bureau Magneet

Nedinscoplein 7b
5912AP Venlo
The Netherlands
Nedinscoplein 7b
5912AP Venlo
The Netherlands